Chatbot types

What are chatbot types?

Chatbot types are the different kinds of chatbots based on what they can do, how they work, and what they're used for. The right chatbot type depends on how smart you need it to be, how complex the task is, and what resources you have for building and training it.

Types of chatbots

Rule-based chatbots: These chatbots follow a set of rules and scripted responses. They're pretty simple and can handle basic questions or tasks in a specific area. They're often used for straightforward customer service or getting information.

Keyword chatbots: These chatbots use keywords to understand what you're saying and give you a relevant response. They can handle more kinds of conversations but might have trouble with complex questions or understanding the full context.

Machine learning chatbots: These chatbots use machine learning to understand and respond in a more human-like way. They can get smarter over time as they learn from more conversations. They're more advanced and can handle complex, open-ended chats.

Task chatbots: These chatbots are made to do specific tasks or help with certain processes, like scheduling appointments or making reservations. They're often connected to other systems to get and process information.

Conversational AI chatbots: These are the most advanced chatbots. They use natural language processing, machine learning, and context understanding to have human-like dialogues. They can handle complex questions, remember context, and even show emotional smarts.
Tags: Chatbots