Chat widget

What is a chat widget?

A chat widget is a little box or window that shows up on a website or app. It lets visitors easily start a chat conversation with a chatbot or human agent.

Chat widgets are meant to make it super simple for customers to get help, ask questions, or complete tasks without having to switch between different apps or websites. The widget is always there on the page when needed.

What chat widgets can do?

Customization: Chat widgets are highly customizable to match a brand's look and feel. Companies can adjust the widget's colors, logos, chat window style and position on the page for a seamless, on-brand experience.

Multi-channel integration: Many chat widgets can integrate across multiple messaging channels like website, mobile app, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and more. This lets customers start a conversation on one channel and pick it up on another.

Chat routing: Advanced chat widgets use automated routing rules to send chats to the right department, agent skill group or chatbot. They can also allow escalating bot conversations to live agents when needed.

Analytics: Chat widgets capture customer conversation data that can be analyzed for insights into common issues, user satisfaction metrics, agent performance and areas to improve the customer experience.
Tags: Chatbots